The Audio-visual Cluster Expands Its Board of Directors

The Catalan Audio-Visual Cluster prepares for its second year of activity by expanding its Board of Directors, with the incorporation of 16 new representatives of the Catalan Audio-Visual sector.
Xavier Guitart will stay on as the Audio-Visual Cluster’s president, accompanied by 3 vice-presidents:  Antoni Esteve (Lavinia), Tinet Rubira (Gestmusic Endemol) and Enric Pujadas (Ogilvy). Margarita Cardona (El terrat) will join as treasurer and Genís de Tera as secretary.
The Board is also made up of Paco Escribano (Minoria Absoluta), Joan Bas (Diagonal TV), Sergi Ovide (Ovide), Ignasi Comillas (Veranda), Noemí Cuní (Broadcaster), Valentí Roda (La Quimera), Jordi Mendieta (Dreamteamconcept), Josep Maria Quintana (Createl), Jordi Roigé (Utopia Global), and Eduard Gil (Paral·lel 40).
Currently, the Cluster consists of around 60 companies involved in production, including support services, technology, publicity, and more, and it maintains collaborative relationships and dialogue with Catalan universities, research centers, professional associations and public institutions.

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