Tuesday 26th November 2024 · From 5pm to 7pm
Aula K of the Disseny Hub Barcelona
Entry is free upon registration
The Talent Pact is an initiative of the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia that was born with the aim of helping emerging talent to professionalize and to connect with the fields of the performing and audiovisual arts. As part of the Talent Week, there is a presentation of the work produced.
You can see all the videos from the previous editions on the Youtube channel of the Catalan Audiovisual Cluster.
This year is the seventh edition. A total of 20 students and/or graduates from nine Catalan higher education institutions participated, forming various working teams linked to the following projects:
In collaboration with La Central del Circ.
The projects involved are “Rosa Mosketa”, by Cia. Arrrels al Cel and “APS” by Cia. Ket o un hábitat propio.
The audiovisual team that participated is composed of Júlia Bargalló (Universitat de Barcelona), Gal·la Ballester (Universitat de Barcelona) and Krista Stoynova (ESDi).
In collaboration with Taller de Músics ESEM (Escola Superior d’Estudis Musicals).
The artist participating is Martí Solé. The audiovisual production is by Víctor Lasala (Universitat de Barcelona), Adrià Soler Ocaña (Universitat de Barcelona), Rafael Eduardo Oviedo Carrillo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and Alex Díez (Universitat de Barcelona).
In collaboration with CSD (Conservatori Superior de Dansa) de l’Institut del Teatre.
The four finalists of the Institut del Teatre Dance Award 2024 are participating. “Col·lapse”, by Lucía García Paz, the audiovisual production is by Judith Carlota (Tecnocampus), Aarón Arbonés (UAB) and Esther López (UAB). “Vermilion”, by Enrique López and Javier Ara, audiovisual production by Chris Angelous Robles Manalo (Ites), Judith Durán (EMAV) and Marina Serra Comajoan (Ites). “Wanderlust”, by Rocío Suárez Rivadera, audiovisual production by Selma Esbert (UB), Gleb Claveria (Blanquerna) and Laia Cuxart Caballeria (UPF). “Infernus”, by Gisela Riba Vegas, audiovisual production by Marina Domènech Bellés (UAB), Mabel Gómez (Tecnocampus) and Emci Liébanes (EMAV).
© 2020 Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya
Developed by La Saladeta