Co-producing in Italy: a way to enter the international market at FILMETS

Several catalan producers have attended today the professional session that Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya has co-organized with Filmets within the framework of the short film festival that takes place in the city of Badalona until October 28th. “Co-productions Catalunya – Puglia. Business Opportunities” has been possible thanks to the collaboration and presence of the Distretto Produttivo “Puglia Creattiva” and the Apulia Film Commission as well as a delegation of Italian producers. Using the presentation of european funds supporting productions in the Apulia region as a pretext, attendees have discovered the possibilities of locations that offer their landscapes, the services of the audiovisual sector existing in the area and the facilities that Apulia Film Commission provides. The Apulia Film Fund, which is the name of the grant call, is focused on fictional projects, documentaries, short films, animation and television formats that include hiring services in this southern Italy area. According to the words of Roberto Corciulo, representative of the Apulia Film Commission, these 10M€ grants are an opportunity to attract audiovisual activity, beyond the tourist diffusion of its places.

OZ FilmPharos FilmSinapsi Produzione PartecipatePasso UnoDinamo Film and Arteteca have been the six Italian production companies that have travelled to Catalonia to present their projects to Catalan producers. In order to find partners for their production, once the presentations have been completed they have participated in a one-to-one meetings with the Catalan producers interested in.

This international meeting born from the contact of Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya with the counterpart Distretto Produttivo “Puglia Creativa” is part of the activities that the Cluster is developing in order to reinforce and promote the Catalan audiovisual network, in this case, with the internationalization and participation in European projects. Catalan producers have valued very positively this session because of the possibilities emerged on the international market. During his opening speech, the president of the Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia, Miquel Rutllant, thanked Catalan producers for their great reception and highlighted the quality of the present ones, emphasizing on the talent and high professionalism that resides within the Catalan audiovisual sector.


Pictures provided by Festival FILMETS. Access the full gallery.

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